All Programs

ATS Trauma Survivor Network
There are numerous programs, information, and support for trauma and burn survivors and family members.

Burn Camp for Children
A special week designed for children who have survived a burn injury. Burn camp offers a safe, nurturing, and fun environment to share emotions
and stories with other kids who have experienced similar injuries.

Burn Injury Awareness Events
Burn survivors, family members, firefighters, and medical professionals are welcome to attend! Workshop topics include injury recovery, healing, and sharing stories. Also, come celebrate together at the annual picnic reunion! Enjoy the many fun activities for all ages.

CarFit is an educational program that offers older adults the opportunity to check how well their personal vehicles "fit" them.

Child & Teen Injury Prevention
This MOOC (massive open online course) is designed for multiple professional fields and levels of training, including healthcare, kinesiology, public policy, social work, pharmacy, dentistry, and psychology. The content is also appropriate for educators, coaches, child care providers, and parents.

Customized Injury Prevention and Outreach Education Available
Upon request, we also provide educational programs to schools, senior citizens, medical professionals,
first responders, youth programs, firefighters, and other groups in our community. To request a
presentation, contact or visit the below link or call 734-232-3814.

Fire Safety & Burn Prevention
There are numerous vetted Fire Safety and Burn Prevention resources available.
Great Lakes Regional Safety Summit
The Great Lakes Regional Safety Summit is an educational workshop for fire service, fire prevention, safety, and educational professionals.

Injury Prevention Center
Addressing Urgent Injury Prevention Issues with Research, Education, and Outreach
Injury Violence Prevention

Leland Gayheart Prevention Award
As a tribute to a firefighter who lost his life to a burn injury, the Leland Gayheart Prevention Award was
created to encourage prevention programs within local fire departments. This award is presented in joint effort by the Gayheart
family and the University of Michigan Trauma Burn Center

MI Prevention
The Trauma Burn Center partnered with other organizations to provide this helpful website. Michigan is “Educating Today for a Safer Tomorrow”!

Michigan Fire Inspectors Burn Society Scholarship
Michigan Fire Inspectors are honored to present up to two survivors, one male and one female with a scholarship.
Applicants may submit their application online at

Michigan OPEN
The Michigan Opioid Prescribing Engagement Network (Michigan OPEN) is working to prevent chronic opioid use and opioid-related harms throughout the state of Michigan.

Older Adult Safety and Fall Prevention
Older adults are at higher risk for burn and trauma injuries. Common causes of burn injuries are from cooking, bathing, drinking hot beverages, and eating. Traumatic injuries commonly occur in older adults from falls and car crashes. Contact us about available prevention education classes.

Pamela Pucci Service Award
Established in 2013, this award is given annually to a person that exemplifies Pam's passion, commitment, dedication, and service to the Trauma Burn Center.

Pediatric Trauma
The University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital work involves educating children and adults, advocating for effective laws, providing reduced cost safety products to low-income families, conducting research, and creating safe environments.

Returning to Education and Continued Healing (REACH)
This school reintegration program provides information and tools necessary for parents, school
personnel, and health professionals to positively support a child returning to their school and community
after a serious illness or burn injury. This no-cost web-based tool features self-learning modules, video
clips, testimonials, handouts, resources, and more.