Patient Transport Number: 1-800-822-2233
Initial Management
- Stop the burning process
- Remove all clothing and jewelry
- Keep patient warm
- Obtain complete history and evaluate for associated injuries
Airway Management
Administer 100% oxygen
Suspect inhalation injury if:
- Injury occurred in enclosed space
- Presence of facial burns singed nasal hairs, carbonaceous sputum, soot on teeth or tongue, inflamed oral or nasal mucosa
Assess for airway distress
- Rapid respiratory rate, agitation, hoarse voice, stridor, cyanosis
Tip: If inhalation injury is suspected, consider early intubation
Monitor carboxyhemoglobin levels
- <15% rarely symptomatic
- 15% - 40% associated with CNS changes
- 40% - 60% associated with obtundation
Fluid Resuscitation
Place 2 large bore IV's
- Attempt in nonburn extremity (may place through burned skin if necessary)
Calculate body surface area burned
Tip: To estimate scattered burns: patient's palm surface = 1% total body surface area
Calculate fluid resuscitation
- Adults
- Age >15 years
- Ringers Lactate 2-4cc X kilogram body weight X percent burn.
- Infants and children
- Ringers Lactate 3-4cc X kilogram body weight X percent burn.
- For infants < 4 years old add maintenance fluid of D5LR
- For the 1st 10 Kg of body weight: 100cc/Kg/ 24 hrs
- For the 2nd 10 Kg of body weight: 50cc/Kg/24 hrs
- For each Kg of body weight above 20 Kg: 20cc/Kg/24 hrs
Tip: Monitor glucose for infants and young children
Administer fluid
- Infuse 1/2 estimated resuscitation volume over first 8 hrs
- Infuse 1/2 estimated resuscitation over next 16 hrs
Tip: Fluid resuscitation begins at time of injury
Monitor urine output
Insert foley and titrate IV fluid to goal of:
- Adults: 30-50cc/hour
- Children: 1cc/Kg/hour
- Insert NG for body surface area burned >20% or helicopter transport
- Administer pain medication IV
- Initial laboratory studies
- CXR, hematocrit, electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, carboxyhemoglobin, arterial blood gas
- Administer Tetanus toxoid IM if necessary
- Elevate head if spine cleared
- Consider spine precautions
- Monitor pulses for third degree circumferential extremity burns. If diminished or absent call burn center.
Transport to Burn Center
- Record and report
- History of incident and associated injuries
- Allergies
- Medications
- Past medical/surgical history
- Last meal
- History of drug or alcohol use
- Maintain adequate airway protection
- Keep patient warm
- Transport in dry sheet or blanket, do not apply topical ointment or ice to wound
ABA Criteria for Transfer
- 3rd degree burns
- Burns to face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum
- Electrical burns (including lightning injury)
- Chemical burns
- Inhalation injury
- Patients with pre-existing conditions
- Circumferential third degree burns to extremity or chest
- Hospitals without qualified personnel or equipment for care of burn injured children