Events and fundraising are vital to the Trauma Burn Center (TBC). Through the generosity of donors and volunteers, we are able to offer numerous programs to patients, families, and the community. You can help support the TBC's programs, education outreach, research, patient/family assistance, and prevention efforts by volunteering to help out, lend a hand, donate, or sponsor a team at one of the below fun events held throughout the year!
NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some events are being offered virtually or have been postponed. Please contact for more information.
Bowl for Burns
- Dates: Saturdays in February
- Location: 10 Pins (formerly Parkway Lanes), Trenton, MI
- History: The “Downriver” firefighters started this bowling tournament 35 years ago. A volunteer committee continues to organize the tournament. It is estimated that 2,000 people participate over the 6-week course of the tournament.
- Volunteer opportunities:
- Enter a bowling team. Registration forms at:
- Sign up to help out at the event with registration, raffle tickets, and more.
Kids Burn Camp (Winter and Summer Camps)
- Dates: Overnight trip in February and 6 days in mid-August
- Location: Pretty Lake, Onaway, MI
- History: Burn camp offers children ages 6 - 17 who have survived a burn injury a safe, nurturing, and fun environment to share emotions and stories with other kids who have experienced similar injuries.
- Volunteer opportunities:
- Encourage burn survivors to participate
- Apply to be a camp volunteer-counselor, bus chaperone, or a one-day helper
- Make phone calls to potential campers (internal UMHS staff only)
Burn Survivor Education and Support Workshop
- Date: March
- Location: Nomads Building, 10100 Middlebelt Road (near Detroit Metro Airport), Romulus, MI
- History: For 7 years, TBC has hosted a free educational workshop for burn survivors and their families. A collaborative, regional effort with Phoenix Society and Detroit Medical Center was initiated in 2015.
- Volunteer opportunities:
- Join the planning committee
- Build participation by inviting burn survivors, their families, or interested professionals
- Recruit sponsors, both monetary and in-kind
Burn Injury Awareness Reunion
- Date: Fall
- Location: Gallup Park Fast Shelter, 3000 Fuller Road. Ann Arbor, MI
- History: This annual TBC community event is focused on increasing burn awareness, celebrating survivor recovery, promoting education, preventing burn injuries, and gathering together for fun and fellowship.
- Volunteer opportunities:
- Help plan the event and expand its reach by joining the Executive Steering Committee or one of the seven Sub-Committees
- Recruit colleagues, burn survivors, and the general community to attend
- Host an educational safety booth
- Recruit sponsors, both monetary and in-kind
- Promotion: Help us distribute flyers, advertise in various community calendars, build social networking outlets, etc.
- Bring your family and friends to the event! Register at:
Dearborn Fire Department Annual Toy Run
- Date: A weekday luncheon in December
- History: For nearly 50 years, the Dearborn Firefighters have collected donations to purchase gifts to bring to children recovering from a burn injury. Children and their families with identified needs are invited to attend. In addition to toys, the firefighters generously donate food, basic supplies, and assistance with transportation or gas. Families are also given injury prevention related gifts and educational materials to improve the safety of their homes.
- Volunteers are needed to help set-up and tear-down the event. Also, to make phone calls to the identified families to invite them to attend (internal UMHS staff only).
Golf Outings
Volunteer opportunities: Enter a golf team, recruit sponsors, donate raffle/auction items, or help out on the day of the event.
- Ann Arbor Firefighter Charities Golf Outing
- Dates: A Monday in August
- Location: Fox Hills Golf and Banquet Center, Plymouth, MI
- History: The Ann Arbor Fire Department started this outing 28 years ago after they responded to a call of a 2-year old child that had been severely burned (and was treated in the TBC). As a result of the tragedy and the impact it made on the firefighters, this outing was started.
- Bloomfield Township Fire Department (BTFD) Annual Golf Outing
- Dates: A Monday in May
- Place: Birmingham Country Club, Birmingham, MI
- History: For 30 years, firefighters from BTFD have organized this outing and donated a portion of the proceeds to the TBC.
- Brandon Fire Department and Atlas Township Fire Department Annual Golf Outing
- Dates: A Saturday in June
- Place: Goodrich Country Club, Goodrich, MI
- History: For 25 years, two neighboring fire departments have organized this golf outing which raises funds for TBC.
To volunteer for one of the above events or to consider hosting your own fundraiser project to support
TBC programs which are meaningful to you, please contact:
Kristy Brown, LMT, CMP
Program & Event Specialist, Injury Prevention and Community Outreach
Phone: 734-232-3814 Email:
Bowl for Burns
In 2019, Bowl for Burns celebrated 38 years of raising funds for the Trauma Burn Center. A special thanks to event coordinator Tylene Farkas, and the loyal Bowl for Burns volunteers, bowlers, and sponsors for another great tournament! Learn more about Bowl for Burns.
Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive Annual Toy Run
Every December, the Dearborn Firefighters bring holiday cheer to children recovering from burn injuries. Thank you to Steve Worden and the Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive for the generosity you show these children and their families!
Golf Outings
We could not do the work we do without our community partners. Thank you to all of the event volunteers, golfers, and sponsors that make these annual outings possible.
- Ann Arbor Fire Department Golf Outing
- Brandon and Atlas Township Fire Departments Golf Outing
- Bloomfield Township Fire Department Charities Golf Outing
- Trenton Hit Men Squirt AA Golf Outing
Look at all of our future Trauma Burn Center event?
For more information on existing events or to inquire on organizing an event for the Trauma Burn Center, please call or email Kristy Brown at 734-232-3814,
Detroit Axemen Teddy Bear Drive