Stop The Bleed
Quick actions can Stop the Bleed and save a life! Anyone can earn to Stop the Bleed.

Child & Teen Injury Prevention
This MOOC (massive open online course) is designed for multiple professional fields and levels of training, including healthcare, kinesiology, public policy, social work, pharmacy, dentistry, and psychology. The content is also appropriate for educators, coaches, child care providers, and parents.

State of Michigan Burn Coordinating Center
Designated as the State Burn Coordinating Center for Michigan, the Trauma Burn Center is responsible
for training first responders and medical personnel throughout the state to properly respond to
catastrophic burn-related events and injuries. This training ensures that a highly-coordinated response is
executed in Michigan and its surrounding region for burn mass casualty incidents.

Trauma Burn Pre-Hospital Education
Continuing pre-hospital education is vital to improving patient outcome and provides an excellent
opportunity to review and refine patient pre-hospital care initiatives. Topics are presented by experts in
the fields of trauma and burns, injury prevention, workplace safety, and emergency medicine.
Youth Firesetting Prevention & Intervention Professional Training
Professional training sessions on youth firesetting prevention and intervention are provided upon request. State, Regional, and National conferences may also provide professional training sessions on youth firesetting prevention and intervention. Contact: traumaburn@umich.edu or Karla Klas at ksklas@med.umich.edu

Webinars & Workshops
Our Injury Prevention and Community Outreach Educator provides numerous professional development and webinar trainings throughout the year. For more information or to request a presentation, please contact: ksklas@med.umich.edu or visit /karla-s-klas-bsn-rn-ccrp